Chat by using websocket on WIZwiki-W7500 platform


Recently WIZwiki-W7500 platform was announced by WIZnet. So I implemented a firmware of WIZwiki-W7500 by changing UART definition
because I can handle a source code easily.
You can know site. Please refer to the following step.

Step1 : Prepare materials

Please refer to the following.
1. WIZwiki-W7500 board x2. ( )
2. Mini USB cable
3. LAN cable

Step2 : Hardware connection


Please connect an USB cable and LAN cable.
You can get more HW info by the following site.

Step3 : Prepare development environment

I prepared cloud development environment by the following site.
WIZwiki-W7500 example source :
WIZwiki-W7500 library source :

Step4 : Software : mbed repository

I opened source codes of this project in mbed site.
You can import this project files into your workspace.
You must modify source codes for this test. (MAC address, websocket server IP & port)
After compile, you can run an application of WIZwiki-W7500.
This project is open for everyone. I expect your participation to improve a quality of project.

Websocket Server example :


Step5 : How to run : Test result


1. To modify MAC address and websocket server IP & port as your case.
2. To compile a project in cloud.
3. To program FW into targets.
4. To run Websocket server on your PC.
5. To activate each connection with serial terminal.
6. To reset targets.
7. To insert chat messages after connecting with websocket server.
You can see the test result.


Thank you for your attention.
*Tip : If you register in and work actively, you can get a sample cheaper than E-sales as well as a free sample.

Telemedicine by using WIZwiki-W7500 and BLE


Recently WIZwiki-W7500 platform was announced by WIZnet. So I implemented a firmware of WIZwiki-W7500 by changing UART definition because I can handle a source code easily.
You can know the value of BLE sensor even if it is so far. Please refer to the following step.

Step 1: repare materials


Please refer to the following.
1. WIZwiki-W7500 board. ( )
2. Mini USB cable
3. LAN cable
4. nRF51822-mKIT ( )

Step 2: Hardware connection


Please connect an USB cable and LAN cable.
You can get more HW info by the following site.

Step 3: Prepare development environment

I prepared GCC development environment by the following site.
I installed GNU Toolchain, Java JDK, Eclipse, Cygwin.
If you install all tools, you are ready for running this project.
You can use a Configuration Tool by the following temporarily.
How to use a CFG tool :
WIZwiki-W7500 library source :

Step 4: Software : GitHub repository

I opened source codes of this project in GitHub.
You can download this project files. And then import project into Eclipse.
You must modify source codes for this test.



After compile, you can run S2E application of WIZwiki-W7500.
This project is open for everyone. I expect your participation to improve a quality of project.


Step 5: How to run : Test result


1. To program FW into a target.
2. To reset a target and insert MAC address.


3. To search a target by Configuration Tool.
4. To check Host IP and start Server.
5. To change IP, Gateway, HostIP properly.
6. To change Working Mode of target to TCP Client or Mixed Mode by CFG tool.
7. To connect with nRF51822-mKIT(Central) through UART0.
8. Turn nRF51822-mKIT(Peripheral) on.


You can see the test result.
Thank you for your attention.
*Tip : If you register in and work actively, you can get a sample cheaper than E-sales as well as a free sample.






Eclipse에서 WIZwiki-W7500 library 포팅하기 Tutorial


1.     프로젝트 생성

2.     WIZwiki-W7500 library 포팅 방법

3.     F/W 다운로드 방법


1. 프로젝트 생성

-. WIZwiki-W7500 보드 사진


-. 개발환경 셋팅은 하기 사이트를 참조합니다.

English :

국문 :

-. Eclipse를 실행합니다.

-. 메뉴에서 File->New-> C Project를 선택합니다.

 -. Project name 필드에 사용하고자 하는 프로젝트명을 입력하고 Project type으로 Hello World ARM Cortex-M C/C++ Project를 선택 후 Next를 클릭합니다.

 -. Processor core필드의 Cortex-M0를 확인하고 Trace output으로 Semihosting STDOUT stream을 선택 후 Next를 클릭합니다.



 -. Toolchain path에 설치한 GNU ToolchainC:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.8 2014q1\bin path를 입력 후 Finish를 클릭합니다.

 -. 생성된 프로젝트를 확인합니다.

2. WIZwiki-W7500 library 포팅 방법

-. 하기 사이트를 참조하여 W7500 library 파일을 다운로드 합니다.

-. W7500-1.0.2\W7500x_Library_Examples\Libraries\W7500x_stdPeriph_Driver\inc W7500-1.0.2\W7500x_Library_Examples\Libraries\W7500x_stdPeriph_Driver\src 디렉토리의 파일들을 각각 WIZwiki-W7500_blinky\system\include\W7500x WIZwiki-W7500_blinky\system\src\W7500x 디렉토리에 복사한 후 Eclipse에서 F5를 눌러서 Refresh 시킵니다.

 -. W7500-1.0.2\W7500x_Library_Examples\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\WIZnet\W7500\Include 디렉토리의 system_W7500x.h, W7500x.h 파일들을 WIZwiki-W7500_blinky\system\include\cmsis 디렉토리에 복사 후 Eclipse에서 F5를 눌러서 Refresh 시킵니다.

 -. W7500-1.0.2\W7500x_Library_Examples\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\WIZnet\W7500\Source\system_W7500x.c 파일을 WIZwiki-W7500_blinky\system\src\cmsis 디렉토리에 복사 후 Eclipse에서 F5를 눌러서 Refresh 시킵니다.

 -. vectors_W7500x.c를 첨부된 파일로 교체 후 Eclipse에서 F5를 눌러서 Refresh 시킵니다.


 -. W7500-1.0.2\W7500x_Library_Examples\Projects\Peripheral_Examples\GPIO\Blink_LED 디렉토리의 main.c, W7500x_conf.h, W7500x_it.c, W7500x_it.h 파일들을 WIZwiki-W7500_blinky\src 디렉토리에 복사 후 Eclipse에서 F5를 눌러서 Refresh 시킵니다.

 -. mem.ld 파일의 FLASH start address0x00000000으로 변경 후 저장합니다.

 -. 프로젝트의 Properties를 선택합니다.

 -. C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Symbols->GNU C에서 add를 선택 후 USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER 를 추가합니다.

 -. C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Source Location->/WIZwiki-W7500_blinky/system->Edit Filter->Add Multiple을 선택 후 src/diag/trace_impl.c W7500x_gpio.c를 이외의 파일들을 추가하고 Refresh(F5) 시킵니다.

 -. C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Includes->GNU C에서 Add 선택 후 src 디렉토리를 추가합니다.

 -. C/C++ Build->Settings->Tool Settings->Target Processor에서 ARM family 셋팅을 cortex-m0로 설정합니다.

 -. C/C++ Build->Settings->Tool Settings->Cross ARM GNU Create Flash Image->General에서 Output file formatraw binary로 설정합니다.

 -. 사용하지 않는 Timer.c, Timer.h 파일을 삭제 후 Eclipse에서 Refresh(F5) 시킵니다.

 -. Build Project를 이용해서 컴파일을 진행합니다.

 3. F/W 다운로드 방법

-. WIZwiki-W7500 보드의 OpenSDA USB 포트를 PC와 연결합니다.

 -. WorkspaceWIZwiki-W7500_blinky\Debug 디렉토리에 생성된 바이너리 파일을 MBED 드라이브로 복사합니다.



 -. F/W update reset 시킵니다.


Intro : Turn on the light by WIZwiki IoT platform

Recently WIZwiki-W7500 platform was announced by WIZnet. So I implemented a firmware of WIZwiki-W7500 by WIZ550web SW modification because I can handle a source code easily.
You can use the web page on home networking. Please refer to the following step.

Step 1: Prepare materials


Please refer to the following.
1. WIZwiki-W7500 board. ( )
2. Mini USB cable
3. LAN cable
4. UART2USB adapter

Step 2: Hardware connection


Please connect an USB, LAN cable and UART2USB adapter
You can get more HW info by the following site.

Step 3: Prepare development environment

I prepared GCC development environment by the following site.
I installed GNU Toolchain, Java JDK, Eclipse, Cygwin.
If you install all tools, you are ready for running this project.
You can use a Configuration Tool by the following site temporarily.
How to use a CFG tool :
WIZ550web source repository :
WIZwiki-W7500 library source :

Step 4: Software : GitHub repository

I opened source codes of this project in GitHub.
You can download this project files. And then import project into Eclipse.
After compile, you can run WEB application of WIZwiki-W7500.
This project is not finished yet. This is open for everyone. I expect your participation to improve a quality of project.



Step 5: How to run : Test result

1. To program FW into a target.
2. To reset a target and insert MAC address.
3. To search a target by Configuration Tool.
4. To change IP, Gateway properly.
5. To connect to a target by ALFTP.
6. To upload web page to a target.
7. To connect to a target by browser program.
8. To control lights through web page.
You can see the test result by the video.
Thank you for your attention.
*Tip : If you register in and work actively, you can get a sample cheaper than E-sales as well as a free sample.



Intro: How to monitor a remote equipment by WIZwiki platform
I know WIZ550S2E solution for monitoring. Recently WIZwiki-W7500 platform was announced by WIZnet. So I implemented a firmware of WIZwiki-W7500 by WIZ550S2E SW modification because I can handle a source code easily.
You can know the status of equipment even if it is so far. Please refer to the following step.


Step 1: Prepare materials
Please refer to the following.
1. WIZwiki-W7500 board. ( )
2. Mini USB cable
3. LAN cable

Step 2: Hardware connection
Please connect an USB cable and LAN cable.
You can get more HW info by the following site.


Step 3: Prepare development environment
I prepared GCC development environment by the following site.
I installed GNU Toolchain, Java JDK, Eclipse, Cygwin.
If you install all tools, you are ready for running this project.
You can use a Configuration Tool by the following site temporarily.
How to use a CFG tool :
WIZ550S2E source repository :
WIZwiki-W7500 library source :

Step 4: Software : GitHub repository
I opened source codes of this project in GitHub.
You can download this project files. And then import project into Eclipse.
After compile, you can run S2E application of WIZwiki-W7500.
This project is open for everyone. I expect your participation to improve a quality of project.




Step 5: How to run : Test result
1. To program FW into a target.
2. To reset a target and insert MAC address.
3. To search a target by Configuration Tool.
4. To check Host IP and start Server.
5. To change IP, Gateway, HostIP properly.
6. To change Working Mode of target to TCP Client or Mixed by CFG tool.
7. Send "hello" to Server through terminal program.
You can see the test result by the video.
Thank you for your attention.
*Tip : If you register in and work actively, you can get a sample cheaper than E-sales as well as a free sample.





W5500EVB(WIZnet)+ioLibrary Tutorial UCC

-. YouTube 동영상입니다.




W5500EVB(WIZnet)+TFTP Tutorial UCC

-. YouTube 동영상입니다.





임베디드 FTP Server 구현하기(W5500-EVB) Tutorial


1.     W5500 chip 소개

2.     ioLibrary 소개

3.     W5500-EVB 소개

4.     LPCXpresso 개발환경 셋업

5.     W5500-EVB FTP 예제 실습

6.     Flash Magic 사용법 실습

7.     ALFTP를 이용한 파일전송 실습


1. W5500 chip 소개

2. ioLibrary 소개

3. W5500-EVB 소개

-. W5500 chip, ioLibrary, W5500-EVB 소개 부분은 11월 강의 중 “W5500으로 이더넷 구현하기의 강의노트로 대체합니다.으로_이더넷_구현하기1.pdf

4. LPCXpresso 개발환경 셋업

-. LPCXpressoNXP사에서 지원하는 개발 IDE입니다. LPCXpresso 설치에 대한 내용은 WIZnet 연구원 Raphael님의 블로그를 참조 부탁 드립니다.

5. W5500-EVB FTP 예제 실습

-. GitHub에서 FTP_LPC11E36_LPCXpresso 프로젝트를 검색 후 소스를 다운로드 한다.


 -. LPCXpresso를 실행 후 import로 프로젝트를 가져온다.




 -. 먼저 lpc_chip_11exx, wznet_evb_w5500evb_board 프로젝틀 컴파일 한다.


 -. FTP 프로젝트를 컴파일 후 결과를 확인한다.

6. Flash Magic 사용법 실습

-. Flash MagicNXP사에서 지원하는 flash programming tool입니다. Flash Magic 설치에 대한 내용은 WIZnet 연구원 Sam님의 블로그를 참조 부탁 드립니다.

-. Flash Magic을 실행 후 W5500-EVB 보드에 USB 케이블을 연결한다.

-. ISP 버튼을 누른 상태에서 Reset 버튼을 눌러서 다운로드 받을 수 있는 상태로 만든다.

-. COM Port, Baud Rate, Interface, Hex File path를 그림과 같이 셋팅 한다.

 -. Start를 선택해서 FW를 다운로드 한다.


-. Reset 버튼을 누른 후 LED 정상 동작을 확인한다.

7. ALFTP를 이용한 파일전송 실습

-. YouTube 동영상을 참조 바랍니다.


소스 참조







W5500EVB(WIZnet)+FatFs+FTPServer Tutorial UCC

-. YouTube 동영상입니다.


소스 참조


WIZ550web(WIZnet)+FatFs+FTPServer Tutorial UCC

-. YouTube 동영상입니다.

소스 참조


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