IoT Base Platform with RaspberryPi, WIZ850io : Ethernet Module Driver

​I know RaspberryPi platform for IoT. Recently WIZ850io is announced by WIZnet. So I implemented a RaspberryPi application by Ethernet SW modification because I can handle a source code easily. You can test Ethernet Module Driver through RaspberryPi and WIZ850io. Please refer to the following step.

Step 1: Prepare Materials

Please refer to the following.

1. Raspberry Pi 3 Starter Kit

2. WIZ850io

3. UART2USB adapter

4. LAN cable

5. USB cable

Step 2: Hardware Connection

Please connect an USB, LAN cable, WIZ850io and UART2USB adapter.
You can get more HW info by the following site.



Step 3: Prepare Development Environment

Raspberry Pi 3

Step 4: Software

Linux Kernel : WIZnet Ethernet Module Driver for W5500

Step 5: How to Run : Modification

I modified the source code to fit Raspberry Pi.


Step 6: How to Run : Result

I copied w5x00 module into Raspberry Pi.


IoT Base Platform with GCC, Eclipse, WIZwiki-W7500 : Serial to Ethernet

I know WIZwiki-W7500 platform for IoT. Recently WIZwiki-W7500 board is announced by WIZnet. So I implemented a firmware of WIZwiki-W7500 board by Ethernet SW modification because I can handle a source code easily. You can know the status of equipment even if it is so far. If you want to know how to use S2E(Serial to Ethernet) function, please refer to the following step.

Step 1: Prepare Materials, Hardware Connection, Prepare Development Environment

Please refer to the link below.

I prepared GCC development environment by the following site. 

I installed GNU Toolchain, Java JDK, Eclipse, Cygwin.

If you install all tools, you are ready for running this project.

You can use a Configuration Tool by the following temporarily.

How to use a CFG tool :

Step 2: Software

Step 3: Software : S2E(Serial to Ethernet)

Insert MAC address.

Modify IP, Port, Working Mode.

To test operation of S2E function.

Step 4: How to Run : Modification

Modify common.h

#define F_ENABLE_DHT11
#define F_ENABLE_TCPClient

Step 5: How to Run : Result

IoT Base Platform with arm MBED, WIZwiki-W7500 : EchoServer

I know arm MBED platform for IoT. Recently WIZwiki-W7500 board is announced by WIZnet. So I implemented a firmware of WIZwiki-W7500 board by Ethernet SW modification because I can handle a source code easily. You can understand how to use arm MBED platform. Please refer to the following step.

Step 1: Prepare Materials, Hardware Connection

Please refer to the link below.

Step 2: Prepare Development Environment

Do you know arm MBED platform?

Step 3: Software : EchoServer

​EchoServer Example

Step 4: How to Run : Preparation

Refer to the arm MBED link.

To create your account.

To open cloud development environment.

Import Programs or Libraries.

Import mbed_blinky project.

Modify LED pins.


Step 5: How to Run : Result

Import TCPEchoServer-WIZwiki-W7500 project.

Modify MAC address.

Monitor Debugging COM Port.

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